As a church we long to see everyone know the fullness of God’s love in Jesus through our welcome, worship, work and witness.

Based on Jesus’ words in john 10:10…

I have come that they may have life,

and have it to the full


…because we have received mercy

Knowing Jesus as our friend and Saviour.

Love, forgive and seek to be reconciled to each other.

Reach out to love and serve our community.


…for God’s goodness

Give of our first and best to God through our finances, time and gifts.

Sharing our faith courageously and lovingly.

Practise generous hospitality.


…to God in all of our lives

Trust the Bible as the word of God and apply it to our lives.

Seek God in prayer and to be filled by the Holy Spirit.

Grow as disciples in loving and supportive small groups.


…in all circumstances

Join together in wholehearted worship.

Recognise God’s presence in good times and in bad.

Celebrate belonging together as a diverse multi-generational family.


…for the future

Expectantly wait for signs, miracles and Kingdom growth.

Are certain that nothing separates us from God’s love.

Can be confident in the promise of eternal life.