As you begin to feel a part of St John's and get a sense of where God might be calling you, we would love to invite you to serve as part of a team. Below we have a list of ministries that need your help in Church. Please read through the opportunities on this page and get in touch!
We are looking for help with Welcoming and Stewardship in the following areas:
We are looking for leaders and helpers in all areas of children’s and young peoples church. Blaze, Sparks and Disco are all ministries that run on Sunday mornings during the 10.45am service. Enthuse run on various evenings and is aimed at older youth.
If you are interested in finding out more, please Claire, our Children’s & Families Pastor
We want to show God’s love to our church and community through our compassion. We are looking for friendly, caring individuals who can give lifts to church services and events, prepare or deliver meals, offer befriending in person or by phone, and help in many other vital ways. Training and support will be provided as needed.
If you are interested in finding out more, please email Sylvia, our Pastoral Care Coordinator
The Coffee Shop is a very important part of St John’s, welcoming everyone on a daily basis into the Church Centre. Many people from the wider community enjoy the friendly atmosphere that the coffee shop offers. We would be so pleased to welcome new members onto our team. Full training will be given, so give us a go! There are many different roles available, and you can also arrange to spend shifts working with friends or family.
If you are interested in finding out more, please email Helen Cain
We are looking to expand the worship team so that we can resource sung worship and the running of services in both the traditional and contemporary gatherings, as well as for children’s groups, courses and conferences. We are looking for musicians, sound engineers and visual operators. The requirements are simple… love God, love St John’s and love music! It helps to have a good understanding of tech, and a passion for music, but full training and encouragement will be given. This is a wonderfully rewarding area of church life to serve in.
If you are interested in finding out more, please email Chloe, our Worship & Comms Pastor
We are in search of individuals who are deeply enthusiastic about social media, marketing, and content creation for St. John’s Church communications. The process of crafting and promoting our church events is intricate, and who understands our church’s communication needs better than our own community? To facilitate this, we have established a dedicated team known as the ‘Comms Collective’. This group collaborates to generate content and engage in discussions regarding communication strategies tailored specifically for St. John’s Church.
If you are interested in finding out more, please email Chloe, our Worship & Comms Pastor
We are looking for help in managing the following aspects of our church facilities:
If you are interested in finding out more about any of the areas above, please email Dave, our Operations Manager